NewsBoss MoJo™ is the next generation mobile journalism tool for reporters, editors and any staff needing remote access from anywhere.
The next generation NewsBoss MoJo™ is browser-based technology for PC, Mac, iOS and Android devices without need to install an App. NewsBoss MoJo™ provides unrivalled remote functionality from almost any modern browser on almost any computer, tablet or mobile phone.
With NewsBoss MoJo™ you can write and edit stories, record audio, submit media including audio cuts, images and videos, submit stories, compile and edit newscasts, exchange messages and access all the latest content on your NewsBoss system. The intuitive design makes it easy to file stories, compile and edit newscasts and even anchor newscasts from almost anywhere.
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Log in securely.
Record and submit audio cuts.
Write stories and insert audio cuts.
Browse all Queues in NewsBoss.
Assemble and reorder newscasts.
Upload cuts, images and videos.
Select functions from the Home Screen.
Browse and edit all content in the NewsBoss system.
Browse and download all media content from the NewsBoss system.
Write and edit stories in any Queue and insert audio cuts, images and videos.
Record audio and upload to the NewsBoss system.
Upload audio cuts, images and videos to any media library.
Assemble, reorder and present newscasts with a Prompter-like experience in a web browser.